Mobile Outage System Trailer by Frham

Get the most out of plant outages.

Frham's Mobile Outage System Trailer (M.O.S.T.) is currently utilized by most nuclear plants in the United States. It has contributed to tremendous savings and efficiency during refueling outages as well as extensive steam generator replacements and power uprates. The M.O.S.T. demonstrates Frham's continued success and commitment to improving the way the nuclear industry does business. 

Let Frham's experience in the utility industry work for you. Allow us to supply your next outage with the M.O.S.T., the revolutionary, cost effective measure you must take for the supply of your next outage.

What is M.O.S.T.?

A Practical Solution.

Our Mobile Outage System Trailer offers a proven and practical solution for meeting your supply needs during outages. This innovative system ensures that essential consumables are readily available, streamlining operations and minimizing downtime.

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Onsite Supply

Each trailer is pre-loaded with the consumables required for your outage period and delivered directly to your plant site. This ensures you have everything you need on hand, enhancing efficiency and reducing the hassle of sourcing supplies during critical times.

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Temporary and Returnable Storage

Serving as a temporary warehouse, the trailer remains onsite for the entire duration of the outage, providing easy access to all necessary materials. Once the outage is over, the trailer is simply returned, making it a convenient and effective storage solution.

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How does M.O.S.T. work?

Discover how M.O.S.T., Frham's Mobile Outage System Trailer, revolutionizes nuclear outage logistics with streamlined planning, secure delivery, and efficient on-site distribution.
Supply Planning

In cooperation with the site, Frham determines items and quantities needed to supply outage from their full line of Nuclear and Industrial Safety Products, RP, HP, Rad-Waste and Decon Supplies.

Order Generation

Orders are generated based on cost estimate of supplies.

Security Inspection

Customer Site Security or a plant approved security contractor inspects items as they are loaded on outage trailers.

Trailer Delivery

Outage trailers are then delivered to plant site and mobilized, bypassing receiving and security.

Supply Distribution

Supplies are issued from trailers as needed during the outage.

Post-Outage Inventory

At outage end, the trailers are inventoried and returned to Frham, where inventory is verified and proper credit issued for any unused material.

Why the M.O.S.T. is successful?

M.O.S.T. streamlines operations by simplifying logistics, offering tailored programs, and promoting advanced planning for consumables. This comprehensive approach eliminates worries and simplifies future outage preparations, allowing teams to focus on critical tasks.

Simplified Logistics

Practical, Efficient, and Simplified Logistics – One Requisition, One PO, One Invoice, One Shipment, One Receipt, One Security Inspection.

Tailored Programs

Negotiable Trailer options, Invoicing options, Consignment options, and Special Terms.

Promotes Planning

Consumables are often an afterthought. Pre-outage M.O.S.T. planning eliminates worry and allows RP to focus on more important concerns.

Future Proofing

Once in place, future outage prep and planning become simplified.

Learn more about M.O.S.T.

Discover the power of Frham’s M.O.S.T. system. Reach out today to learn how we can streamline your operations and enhance efficiency